Eirik Willyson


One night in 2013, an ordinary man was lying in his bed in Florida when the earth opened up and swallowed him alive. The incident is the starting point for Synkehull (Sink Hole).

The characters Kristinsdottir and Willyson fear natural disasters, disease and stagnation, and the performance is an attempt to combat this fear. Kristinsdottir seeks answers in the outer world, while Willyson examines his inner void hoping to find the source of his misery.

Premiere: Tou scene, Stavanger, 2016.

Director, text, actor: Hildur Kristinsdottir
Dramturg, text, actor: Eirik Willyson
Composition, performer: Magnus Børmark
Lighting design, performer: Anders Borchgrevink
Production: Kristinsdottir/Willyson

Supported by: Arts Council Norway, Fond for utøvende kunstnere & Dramatikkens hus. Co-produced by: Tou scene.