Eirik Willyson

Til fyret

Til fyret (To the Lighthouse) is based on Virginia Woolf’s novel. The performance was nominated for the Hedda award for best children’s/youth performance in 2013. It is a performance about hope, death, grief and longing for the unknown.

Premiere: Black Box teater, Oslo, 2013.

Direction and scenography: Hildur Kristinsdottir
Text: Eirik Willyson
Animation film: Trond Petter Sætrang and Eirik Willyson
Composition / sound design: Peter Baden & Gyrid Nordal Kaldestad
On stage: Jimmie Jonasson, Magnus Myhr & Maria Dommersnes Ramvi
Lighting design: Norunn Standal
Producer: Mona Larsen
Scenography assistant: Alette Schei Rørvik
Poster: Knut-Ole Mathisen
Photo: Kristinn Gudlaugsson

Supported by: Arts Council Norway, Fond for utøvende kunstnere & Kunstløftet. Co-producer: Black Box Theatre.